Learning room - our room concept for individual learning
Modern pedagogy and learning in the digital age require flexible classrooms. As a third educator they help teachers and students to learn individually and self-organized. Loose, colourful and modular furniture concepts matched with cool organization equipment is not only practical but brings the necessary feel-good factor.

One System – 1.000 Possibilities
Do you want to be creative, flexible and quick? FlexLearn fits the bill perfectly. Whether you want to work alone, in pairs or in a group, FlexLearn can adapt to any situation.
Keep everything at your finger-tips
Want to keep everything in order? Wether it is books, files, papers, pens or personal items. FlexLearn has a place for everything, so that you can keep everything in its place!
Hohenloher FlexLearn interior can be adapted to satisfy all your requirements. Thanks to the modular design concept your space can be adapted quickly and easily – ready for the next lesson.

Individual work
Strength lies in calmness!
There is no better place for individual work than your own workspace. The perfect situation for concentrated learning

Partner work
It's easier in pairs
Learning from and with each other enriches and increases students' individual knowledge base

Group work
Working in a team is fun
Different viewpoints and open discussions lead to diverse results

Facts on the table
Subjects can be taught in a compressed manner in a group
One day with a Learning Room
Watch how easily Hohenloher FlexLearn interior lends itself to your ever-changing requirements. In a few moments the chairs, tables and cabinets can be reconfigured and new optimal work spaces are created.

1 | Free-standing arrangement
2 | Wall-standing arrangement
3 | Star-shaped arrangement
4 | Opposite arrangement

1 | Magnetic box & Magnetic cup
Arrange your pens, rulers and other utensils in the box and take them with you to the next place.
2 | Magnetic board
Quickly write your ideas down on paper, pin them to the felt board and hang dem on the magnetic board to present them.
3 | FlexLearn tray
Simply use it as a writing board, note your thoughts with a pen or magnet and hang it on the wall.
Favourite products

Creative zone
COMFORT HV team table, SEDIAMO® Swing Ligno chairs, FlexLearn cabinet 3x1, FlexLearn cabinet 4x4, display panel pin board, cabinet 3x3.

Learning work stations
Learning station 3x2, COMBO 4 table 70x70 cm, Sediamo Swing chairs.

Magnetic accessories
Magnetic boxes, magnetic cups, shelves, magnetic boards.

You are interested to know more about the FlexLearn concept?
Just discover more details in our concept brochure.